Friday, February 8, 2013

Fun Friday: @Twitter Saved My Life #ijustlied

Of course, Twitter is important. I mean, how else will you know what kind of syrups I prefer on my pancakes?

@pancakelovers It is #sweet Pennsylvania-harvested maple syrup and my homemade strawberry sauce, which is an easy #recipe to make.

In all seriousness, I have a future post planned on how Twitter can be a very effective teacher tool beyond informing students about your breakfast preferences. But it is Fun Friday, so I have no need (or compunction) to be serious, whatsoever. Instead, allow me to introduce you to Themeleon, a Twitter profile appearance saver. Soooo. . .Twitter did not save my life, but Themeleon may save your Twitter feed from looking pathetic.

You know the primary offenders:
1.) "Yes, I know that these colors don't go together. I like them."
2.) "Yes, tiling this image is a bad idea. I like it."
3.) "I don't have time to learn how to customize my Twitter feed. I'm too busy, um, posting Tweets on my Twitter feed."
You have been to their Twitter feeds. They hurt. Oh, the pain. However, if they would only visit Themeleon, you (and they) could be proud of the quick, tasteful makeover. Created by the COLOURlovers community (another groovy website to check out for color trends and palette goodness), this app allows you to quickly alter your Twitter palette colors (i.e. links, background) and to add a pattern or image that won't cause eye strain or emotional distress to your audience:

The user can start with a color scheme, and move it over to given background patterns and images for further alterations (see arrow buttons between design consoles), or start with a given background/image, then move it into a palette. You can use the current top palettes and patterns from the website, or create your own, and save them for future use:

Just think of it: seasonally-appropriate colors and designs, school/team colors represented, or just a Web presence branded for perpetuity (or a week) by your personal panache. Yup. I like Themeleon, and COLOURlovers. What did my husband's relative used to say? Oh, yeah. "Fun is fun, and you can't beat fun." Have a colorful, pattern-pretty weekend!

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